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Our company is MICO US company in Hainan province sales and service outlets ,MICO is a global provider of commercial cleaning products and cleaning solutions, with over 20 years service in the Chinese market, as customers around the country to provide professional products and services. 我们完整的服务及销售体系分布国内各地,全面满足客户的需求,不断为客户提供高品质的产品及增值的服务。 Our complete service and sales distribution system throughout the country, fully meet customer demand, continue to provide customers with high quality products and value-added services 为了更好地服务国内市场,我们在海南设立了海口、三亚、儋州三个服务网点,以便可以全面及时地满足酒店客户的售前服务、货物配送、售后维修、产品培训等需求 。 海口网... [详细介绍] |