【发改委:就完善成品油价格机制再次征求各方面意见】今天,发改委就进一步完善成品价格机制再次召开座谈会征求意见。就成品油价格机制是否应设置“天花板价”和“地板价”,价格调整方式如何简化、优化等问题发表意见。预计此次大范围征求意见后,价格机制完善的重点和方向将基本明确。(来源:CCTV-新闻 )
成品油价格机制 360电子商务网配图
Today, the national development and reform commission will further improve the mechanism of the finished product price again held seminars for advice. Whether product oil price mechanism should be set "ceiling price" and "floor price", price adjustment way such problems as how to simplify and optimize their opinions. Expect the large range for advice, the price mechanism will generally improve the focus and direction of the clear.