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人力系缆绞盘 GB/T6918-2005

品牌: 捷胜
单价: 5000.00元/简易
供货总量: 100 简易
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 泰州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-08-29 10:51
浏览次数: 107
人力系缆绞盘 GB/T6918-2005 Human mooring winch GB/T6918-2005 设备安装在船舶或游艇艏艉部主甲板上,起锚、系缆 The equipment is installed in the ship or yacht bow stern main deck, windlass, mooring 技术指标: Technical indicators: 额定负荷:0.2-30KN Rated load: 0.2-30KN 起锚公称速度:2-4m/min Anchor the nominal speed: 2-4m/min 工作原理: Working principle. 人力推动减速机旋转,带动锚链轮或绞缆筒工作,实现起锚或收缆,工作时只有任意一项动作。 Human powered rotary gear, drive the anchor chain or cable drum work, realize the anchor or the cable collection, work only an arbitrary action. 分类: Classification: 产品分为人力系缆绞盘 、人力起锚系缆绞盘 Products are divided into human mooring winch, human anchor capstan 组成: Form. 本系列绞盘主要由绞缆筒、锚链轮、基座、刹车带等 This series of winch is mainly composed of a warping drum, chain wheel, brake band base, etc. 交易说明: Description of transaction: 1、 客户购买泰兴市捷胜船舶设备有限公司出品的人力系缆绞盘时需提供设备参数、要求。 Human mooring winch 1, customers buy Taixing City Jiesheng Marine Equipment Co. Ltd., is required to provide equipment parameters, requirements. 2、 技术协议书和认可图为产品检验、交货的依据。 2, technical agreement and approval plans for product inspection, the basis of delivery. 运输: Transport: 产品按客户要求的方式进行送货 Products according to customer requirements of delivery 安装使用注意事项: Installation notes: 1、 底座焊接(螺丝)应牢固 1, base welding (Luo Si) should be firmly 2、 刹车倒刺应在同一方向 2, the brake barb should be in the same direction 环保提示: Environmental tips: 产品不含污染环境的物质,当丢弃使用寿命到期的产品时,应交给正式收集点处理。 The product does not contain the environmental pollution, the service life of the product when discarded expired, should be paid to the official collection point processing.
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