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Sandstrom 28A

品牌: 比尔安达ws2涂层
型号: Sandstrom 28A
规格: Sandstrom 28A
单价: 5.00元/件
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 1000000 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 浙江 嘉兴市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-12-20 15:31
浏览次数: 134



Sandstrom 28A Solid Film Lubricant is a lacquer-like

coating containing molybdenum disulfide and corrosion

inhibiting pigments. This Air Drying material prevents

corrosion, galling, seizing and fretting. It is a low-friction

coating which exhibits long wear life when operated at

-320oF to +500oF under loads exceeding 100,000 psi.

Sandstrom 28A should be applied where baking with

the longer wearing, heat cured #099, Sandstrom 9A or

LC-300 is not desirable.

Excellent Corrosion Protection without the use of toxic

heavy metals and the use of non-HAP solvents are its

outstanding characteristics.

once Sandstrom 28A has been applied to a properly

prepared surface and allowed to cure, it is virtually unaffected

by atmospheric and fretting corrosion, solvents, acids, oils

and degreasers. Sandstrom 28A can be applied to all

metallic and non-metallic surfaces by spray application.

Complete application instructions are on page two of this

Technical Information Guide.


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